Midnight Phantom

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He always strikes late at night.

The Midnight Phantom has been lurking the woods of Birch Rock for many many years. No one knows for sure whether it is one or a group of beings. Some have said it is a group of wood gnomes who strike at night while others firmly believe it's just the staff. Many staff members have been accused by campers over the years but very few campers have any real evidence of what they think they see, and when Birch Rock has investigated any claims they appear to be false. What we do know is the Midnight Phantom, while mischievous, is mostly harmless and just wants to have a little fun (at someone else's expense).

While pranks can usually be a little annoying sometimes the phantom will leave a treat of some sort instead of performing a prank. The fun of the phantom is that he can only strike a certain cabin once per summer. What this means is the campers will begin to track which cabins have been hit and towards the end of the summer the last couple cabins will try to catch the phantom in the act. However, the campers rarely succeed with any real evidence.

  • In 1985, the midnight phantom hit every cabin in camp once except the two senior camper cabins (7 & 8). These two cabins attempted to stay awake and catch the phantom for a few nights before deciding they weren't going to get hit. Shortly after that, one of the campers in Cabin 8 woke up to find his bed hanging from the rafters a few feet off the floor.
  • In 1988, the phantom hit the entire campus in one evening. Every trunk was put into the rafters of the wash houses and a few were placed on the raft. Before the trunks were removed from the cabin, every shelf got cleared and all shoes were taken except one mismatch set. All the campers swim stuff was placed on the raft. When everyone woke up in the morning all there stuff was gone and MP was written on notes thumbtacked in every cabin.
  • Also in 1988, Justin Ingold almost caught the midnight phantom. He woke up in Eagles with the phantom all the way into the back of the cabin, where Justin's bed was. Justin almost had the Phantom caught but as he went to get out of bed and grab his glasses he found himself stuck. He couldn't move because he made his bed too well that day and was extremely tucked in under the covers. Justin's bed was literally hopping and moving as Justin tried repeatedly to get out. The phantom had enough time to escape and Justin was never sure who or what it was.
  • In the late '80s, the boys of Hilton B spent about an hour running a spider web of rope throughout the entire cabin thinking this would slow the phantom down only to find the next morning that the rope had been cut into 1 foot lengths and that all their shoes were missing except one mismatched pair for each boy.
  • In the early 2000's the Phantom removed every toilet seat on campus and left his ominous MP moniker spelled out with the seats on the hill next to the bell.