Help:How to edit an article

From Birocapedia
Revision as of 19:57, 22 January 2008 by Harry (talk | contribs)
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If you see an error on a page or you have something to add to a page then please edit it. To edit a page click the tab labled "edit" at the top of the article. If you want to edit a smaller portion of an article click the edit link to the right of that section's header. You will then be brought to a box with the text of the article in it that you can edit. Once you are finished editing please add a reason for editing. This can be just "fixed typos" or something like that. You may also wish to check the box "this is a minor edit" or if you want to keep track of the future changes check the box "watch this page." If you want to include images, text formatting, links, or tables then click one of those links to see how.